Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Sitting idle at the age of 25 yrs with loads of academic qualifications makes me feel useless, a moron to be precise. Looking back just a few months back when i was loaded with lots of work , deadlines to meet which i thought would never be possible makes me rethink - wow those were the best days of my life. I mean i could do so many things and manage to enjoy as well. But i don't want to go back to those days rather move towards a newer phase of life.

After leaving college, getting over with sisiter's marriage, my boy going away from me, my best pal leaving the country and to top it up , not finding a decent job yet makes life so boring and miserable. I feel like a zoombie who just follows instructions and is thus lifeless. What's even worst i get a strange feeling as if my brain is getting rusted because i am not using it anywhere. You look around and everyone is busy in their own life and have no time to listen to your ranting. I never realized that being unoccupied was this difficult that it makes you feel redundant!

Gosh.. i'm getting desperate for a job now which would give me some feeling of a settled future and thus of some use. I wish to surpass this turmoil without breaking down .......


Abhinav said...

I was in this phase once. No job, no idea where the life will take me. But now that I look back I realize that it’s more important to keep trying and not give up. Not to even sound negative to oneself. On practical experience basis I can say that it works. It did for me. And I didn’t have a lot of thing with me then that you have. Degrees and a partner to share all this to begin with and many more.
What you need to do is keep trying and not to give up. Success is not far for you, this I am sure of. Best of luck. ;)

On the way.... said...

Thanks for all the wishes, i need them! These words do give me solace, i wil re-read them time and again :)

Divine_solace said... next time to write..

Unknown said...

hey there...thanks for the comment on the post and for linking to the blog. However, if i may request, could you perhaps change the link to That's the one that's (sort of) regularly updated. the connect, time spent reading and your comment are much appreciated.
jb aka eve*