Monday, July 21, 2008

Feather Light

Glancing through the photographs not too old, but just few years back i am forced to think 'gosh i had 27 waist at one point of time ( i still have that levis pair hanging in my closet in the hope to come bak to tht size some day), and today look at me i need to breathe in to tuck the flab inside to get some decent photographs clicked... I still feel that wieght loss is easier when there is some ulterior motive linked to it like hitting on some dude, getting fit in an old dress, wearing shorts with sexy legs, lastly to get married!! I remember in college days i had to go for a trip to bombay and we had decided to wear some sexy outfits and wanted to flaunt the sexy legs. The drive was so incessant that the target was achieved in flat 30 days with brisk walking alone... and yes yes the photographs were good

Though Size zero is not desired (obviously cannot be acheived!), but yes i want to fulfil the dream of a flat belly....But i know it asks for a sacrifice of giving up chocolates, wicked brownie, coffee, icecreams ohh the list is long but to add on stop midnight snacking! I don't want to try size 'L', it hurts :(

Well i am looking for reason to excite me enough to get back to the rigour to lose weight.. Yes i am asking you to do that for me otherwise don't blame me later on....

On later thoughts, there's just one life... Live to eat :)


Divine_solace said...

true my fren..there are only few things on earth that luk nice thin n appeal to the tougher sex and that is accidentally a girl's waistline..all my luck for d mission..n as far d drive goes..babes u dnt have to look that far ;)

On the way.... said...

babes... do u really think that the hardwork assures some good incentives;)??

Abhinav said...

Well I agree that size zero hurts but staying fit is what is requited. And if you are fit then these extra fat that you tuck in wont be there …. What say?

Anonymous said...

i love ur way f writing

On the way.... said...

@ashu : thanks, keep coming back :)

On the way.... said...

@abhinav : well thts the fact u are telling me dude.. i'm looking for incentives ;)

Unknown said...

well.. khaye jao khaye jao britannia ke gun gaye jao