Monday, July 21, 2008

Feather Light

Glancing through the photographs not too old, but just few years back i am forced to think 'gosh i had 27 waist at one point of time ( i still have that levis pair hanging in my closet in the hope to come bak to tht size some day), and today look at me i need to breathe in to tuck the flab inside to get some decent photographs clicked... I still feel that wieght loss is easier when there is some ulterior motive linked to it like hitting on some dude, getting fit in an old dress, wearing shorts with sexy legs, lastly to get married!! I remember in college days i had to go for a trip to bombay and we had decided to wear some sexy outfits and wanted to flaunt the sexy legs. The drive was so incessant that the target was achieved in flat 30 days with brisk walking alone... and yes yes the photographs were good

Though Size zero is not desired (obviously cannot be acheived!), but yes i want to fulfil the dream of a flat belly....But i know it asks for a sacrifice of giving up chocolates, wicked brownie, coffee, icecreams ohh the list is long but to add on stop midnight snacking! I don't want to try size 'L', it hurts :(

Well i am looking for reason to excite me enough to get back to the rigour to lose weight.. Yes i am asking you to do that for me otherwise don't blame me later on....

On later thoughts, there's just one life... Live to eat :)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Sitting idle at the age of 25 yrs with loads of academic qualifications makes me feel useless, a moron to be precise. Looking back just a few months back when i was loaded with lots of work , deadlines to meet which i thought would never be possible makes me rethink - wow those were the best days of my life. I mean i could do so many things and manage to enjoy as well. But i don't want to go back to those days rather move towards a newer phase of life.

After leaving college, getting over with sisiter's marriage, my boy going away from me, my best pal leaving the country and to top it up , not finding a decent job yet makes life so boring and miserable. I feel like a zoombie who just follows instructions and is thus lifeless. What's even worst i get a strange feeling as if my brain is getting rusted because i am not using it anywhere. You look around and everyone is busy in their own life and have no time to listen to your ranting. I never realized that being unoccupied was this difficult that it makes you feel redundant!

Gosh.. i'm getting desperate for a job now which would give me some feeling of a settled future and thus of some use. I wish to surpass this turmoil without breaking down .......

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hundred Miles........

Distance is surely a difficult thing to handle in relationships. Sometimes u want it as it gives freedom, at other times u hate it because that togetherness is yearned for. Simple things become complex due to it which further add to the kitty of problems /issues and on top of it if you are the typical girl u would want the guy to react to each of them ,which he won't (c'mon either one needs to be sane) !

But if you are lucky enough or have some cool friends and a sister like mine around and you get a chance to be together for some good amount of time, it is a bliss. I never knew what it means to see your partner without bothering about the bloody distance. For me it was almost like a dream which i never wanted to come to an end. There is some great thing called as human touch as scripted in ancient vedas also. Even the biggest of problems can be reasoned out with one reassuring touch (non sexual in nature!) .
There is a difference this time, previously when i saw you leaving me i used to get severe jitters with a heart sinking feeling like i am losing something but this time i was more confident and i know you will come to me..... I'm waiting :) Thanks to the sweet little sister ........
But yes its like once you experience that state of utmost happiness where eveything seems utopian, you ask yourself once 'kya yehi pyar hai' and it scares you because ye dil mange more!!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Marriage errr.. Wedding!!


Don't know if this is going to be a satirical post exactly but the emotion is that of poignancy. The question of love marriage Vs arrange marraige won't be raised here. We have moved one step beyond by accepting the so called' self made choices' and labelling them with an obsolete term 'love marriage.' Whenever given the luxury (not the right!) to choose a life partner, the follow up process taken by the families coloured with the customs and traditions redefines it. I seriously fail to understand the hierachical ranking between the guy's side and the girl's side, what makes them superior or higher.... I know everyone likes gifts but what sense it makes to buy gifts for people u don't know, moreover if one is so keen to give gifts why not cash?? Simple thing like a wedding ring... they have to wear it their whole life (if you let them!) so why do you want to interfere and decide what would be good for them.... I can bet its not the customs the sanctity of which we have forgotten, but a way to get things done under the cover of "ye humare riwaaz (tradition) hai."

I just pray that this trap does'nt suck me in and others like me. We all seem (atleast we think) to be pretty aware of such things but when our turn comes we continue the legacy by saying "parents ki khushi ke liye kar lete hain!." Lets not provide a fertile land in our minds to such thoughts. All this simply brings me to two points that we don't value our education and we believe in being hypocrites of first order, secondly parents do not believe (or don't want to) that their children have grown up and are soon going to be married, can take decisions on their own.. ek baar bharosa to karke dekho...

Just ask yourself when your sister, cousin, friend was getting married and such things were being followed in the family, did u raise a voice to make them understand. Such kind of an attitude would be attributed as that of rebellion but then one needs to be clear about what we want to continue and pass on to our next generation....

think .. think... think